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How Certain Desks Improve Your Health

I am living proof and testimony how certain desks can improve your health. In fact, these two saved my ability to work. I have a total of three different types of desks, all which serve a different function to accomplish the same result … to be productive. Learn how these two desks improved my health and ALLOWED ME TO FUNCTION in a way that I would not have been able to otherwise. And, the same can happen for you …

Design Realign, Inc. Standing Desk Design

Carla Gentle with Design Realign, Inc.

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Most of us use a computer or laptop almost every day, either for work or pleasure; so, it is important to have a desk that is both functional and ideal for our lifestyle. There are over 15 types of desks, so how do you know which one is right for you? Well, it depends on your needs and what you use it for.


For many years I had just one type of desk. I love this desk and use it to this day. It is a glass and metal computer desk with built-in glass shelving. This has served its purpose for years, and I never thought of getting another desk or needing another desk. That is, until I got injured. Enter the portable lap desk and standing desk.

The First Injury. In 2009, I took a bad fall onto my knees on the concrete, wearing 3” heels, simultaneously twisting both ankles outward. My arms were full of containers and items, so I had no hands to break my fall. This caused me to have bursitis on one knee and high ankle sprains on both ankles. If you know anything about high ankle sprains, they are considered worse than a break.

I used to work downtown Chicago during this time and had a heck of a time with my commute and wore sneakers for nine months straight. Little did I know at the time how much damage I had caused my knees.

Fast forward to 2021 … The Hidden Injury. I reached a point where it hurt to even stand, so I finally went to the doctor, Clearly, I don’t like going to the doctor to have waited that long to do anything. The x-rays and MRI revealed I had slight patellar tilt on both knees, a sprained right knee, and the left knee had water on the knee and buckling at the back of the ACL (due to a sprain or possible partial tear). I declined surgery and found out from my Kinesiologist (who is also a Chiropractor) that both tibia bones were “sticking way out to the side”. He could feel it.

I went to physical therapy for 3 ½ months to build the muscle back in my legs and knees to help support and heal the injury. After giving it some thought, I traced the injury back to 2009 when I took that fall onto my knees. It pushed the tibia bones out of place on both legs below the knee. I had been walking like that for 12 years!! No wonder it got to the point where it hurt so bad to stand. I knew something had to change—and fast—because it became increasingly difficult to function or even work at my computer desk.

Introducing the Portable Lap Desk. My lifestyle is more on the holistic side of things, so I opted to let my knees and ligaments heal naturally. This clearly took some time.

Since it was too painful to have my legs bent sitting in my office chair, I ordered a portable desk for over my lap (a lap desk). THIS WAS ONE OF THE BEST AND SMARTEST PURCHASES I HAVE MADE IN MY LIFE.

Instead of having the portable desk over my lap, I placed it at the end of the reclined footrest and then placed a wireless keyboard on my lap. This portable lap desk comes with a smooth metal mouse pad to attach; however, I never attached mine, because I preferred to have it by my side next to the wireless keyboard I used. This particular set-up with the keyboard on my lap, allowed me to see the laptop from a normal distance which I preferred (and not right on top of me). This way I didn’t have to stretch and hold my arms out to type which would have caused shoulder problems without the wireless keyboard.

Above shows the different components I used for my portable lap desk, a closeup of the adjustment buttons (you can adjust the laptop stand MANY ways), and the logo and website for the product.

This photo shows you how the portable lap desk looked from my angle in the sofa recliner with my legs reclined and the lap desk AT THE FOOT OF THE LEG REST with the wireless keyboard in my lap. This worked well for me; it may be different for you.

I worked like this for over a year, and it worked out well. The only time I would work at my computer desk during this time was for Zoom calls. When I was done with the video calls, I would get back in the recliner to continue to work on my lap desk!

>>> TRUE STORY: I have had several people over the years tell me I have a sexy walk. Little did I know it was because of the injury! Now that I am healed, I lost that sexy walk! 😊

Alerting My Client Who Just Had Hip Surgery. I have a design client who just had hip replacement surgery earlier this month. When I paid her a visit last week, she was frustrated by her swollen legs and how working at her home computer desk wasn’t helping her situation. I told her about how amazing my portable lap desk is and sent her pictures of it along with the website, so she could place an order for one. This way she can work in the recliner all day with her legs propped up, which would help with her swelling and recovery process. Her husband is due for knee replacement surgery next month, so by her working in the recliner, it will allow her to be near her husband as he recovers in another recliner!

TO ORDER YOUR OWN LAP DESK like mine, you can CLICK HERE to access the website. You will see the different products, which are all wonderful. My particular lap desk is further down the page.

The Bridge Between My Computer Desk and Lap Desk. Before I purchased my lap desk, I was already experiencing a lot of pain and ended up purchasing a standing desk. I have a portable standing desk that can be adjusted on another desk or placed on top of a dresser, etc. Mine extends up to 28” high.

Before having my lap desk, I would frequently alternate working between my computer desk and standing desk. This worked as a temporary 'solution' in the sense that after sitting at my desk awhile, I could take two steps to my standing desk, and stand awhile. Then, I would walk two steps and sit down again at my computer desk. It hurt to sit (with the knees bent) AND stand, so I got up and down a lot. This was the only way I could work. Remember, I didn’t know yet what was wrong or that my tibia bones were out of place. Ouch!

Standing desks actually offer several health benefits that are worthy of mentioning. They include:

  • Burning more calories than sitting down, which can help with your weight.

  • Reducing blood sugar spikes after a meal.

  • Lowering your risk of heart disease.

  • Lessening chronic back pain.

  • Reducing fatigue and boosting energy levels.

  • Increasing hip flexibility and improving circulation.

I love my standing desk and ordered it from FlexiSpot. It is high quality and can be found HERE.


It IS true that certain desks can improve your health. I am living proof and testimony of that fact, and I suspect I will be hearing from my client soon on how much she loves (and can’t live without) her new lap desk. Since there are over 15 different types of desks, I suggest doing research to see which type may be best for you and your current situation. A computer desk may not be the way to go right now.

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